Discover the meaning of your favorite color
Monday, February 09, 2009
Hello Folks !!! I think we all have a favorite color, and this color could mean something to us, could be positive our negative characteristics. So, try to find out what does your favorite color tells about your personality.

Blue Honest And True
Sincere and thoughtful, you enjoy finding a quiet place to read or too reflect. Time alone to rejuvenate is essential. You benefit from meditation and self exploration. Honest and truthful you are a great friend. You have a peaceful spirit.

Green The Nature Lover
You are a natural, down to earth person who enjoys the outdoors. You are lucky and are likely to experience wealth. Calm and creative, you have a deep understanding of life. You have a healing spirit.

Pink Kind And Caring
Loving, beautiful, and sensitive, you are a very generous person. You are deeply connected to your feminine qualities. You tend to neglect yourself while you are busy taking care of others, and need to make time for yourself a priority. You have a kind spirit.

Red Confident And Passionate
Courageous and confident, you are not afraid to go after your dreams. You are a sensual person, with a great amount of energy. Your beauty shines for the world to see. Others find you exciting, and wherever you go, you are sure to be noticed. You have an enthusiastic spirit.

Brown Down To Earth
Solid and stable, you have a connection to the earth. You are dependable and very organized. You would rather blend in then stand out in a crowd. Your warm and wholesome personality is a comfort to others, and people appreciate your stability. You have a practical spirit.

Gold The Optimist
Wise and successful, you enjoy the luxuries of life. Being both talented and powerful, you will go far personally and professionally. You are happy and enjoy life to the fullest. Others admire you and appreciate your positive outlook. You have an optimistic spirit.

Yellow Life Of The Party
Active and lively, you are filled with a zest for life. You love to go out and have fun, whether it's taking part in sports, or dancing the night away. You are an optimist and have many friends. You have a playful spirit.

Peach Sincere and Appreciative
Grateful for the little things, you are pleasant and loving. You enjoy getting together with friends and family, and have a likeable personality. You remain genuine and humble in spite of your numerous accomplishments. You have a friendly spirit.

Black Deep And Mysterious
Deep and contemplative, you are focused on your inner self. You are very mysterious, and deeply connected to your spirit. You work to resolve the issues in your life, and must face your innermost feelings to overcome them. You are a soul searcher and survivor. You have an insightful spirit.

Orange Warm and Energetic
Cheerful and optimistic, you are filled with energy. Warm and friendly, you make friends easily. You are a strong and powerful person who enjoys competition. You strive to be successful and to achieve your goals, wanting to experience life to the fullest. You have a competitive spirit.

White Highly Spiritual
Secretive, spiritual, and innocent, you keep secrets well, whether they are your own or others. You believe in a higher power, and are true to your beliefs. You have a beautiful and innocent love for others. Your wisdom and clarity is an inspiration to everyone. You have an enlightened spirit.

Purple The Artist
You are creative, powerful, and influential. You are talented, and highly imaginative. You have a deep sensitivity and are very spiritual. You look to find the meaning in life. Others are attracted to your mystical qualities. You have a creative spirit.

Burgundy Warm And Lovable
Faithful and popular. You have a pleasant personality and make friends easily. Others feel comfortable around you and enjoy your company. Because of your authenticity you easily earn the respect of others. You have a faithful spirit.

Violet Serious And Insightful
You are an understanding and supportive person, and tend to think of others before yourself. You are a deep thinker and benefit from meditation. Since you are quick to lend a hand, others often go to you for help. Peaceful and loving, you have a tranquil spirit.

Mauve - The Trend Setter
You impress others with your keen sense of style. You are a classic beauty who knows what she wants, and sets goals to get ahead. You are successful in your career and your home life. You have a intelligent spirit.

Silver Strong And Successful
Mature and dependable, you are a source of strength for others. You are organized, practical, and like to plan ahead. You are good with finances, and likely to be successful. You enjoy winning as much as you enjoy competing. Self discovery is a high priority for you, as well as self improvement. You have a victorious spirit.
posted by Pro Investor Trader at 11:49 AM | Permalink